Monday, March 27, 2006

Advent Children

I have a riddle for you.

Is it possible that in order to subvert an important latter-day event or work, Satan attacks the father with homosexuality--an attack that the odds say is impossible for an LDS teenager to survive?

In the late 70's, Elder Boyd K. Packer published a pamphelet about "closet-case" gays in the Church.

A father with a son who turned gay wrote a letter to Elder Packer, criticizing him and the Church for his son's failure.

Reading the letter proved very disturbing.

"...You preach that homosexuality is not innate, but is a curable condition. Your fundamental proof: God wouldn't make a mistake like this. By preaching this, you set the impossible goal of 'cure' as the standard to which my son must hold himself responsible, as must his family and all other Church members. Until he chooses to do what he must to be "cured," he hasn't done enough. He will never have done enough. He will always come up failing in the most fundamental aspect of his entire existence as a child of his Heavenly Father. He is a pervert, an aberration, and an abomination. There is nothing left in this life or the next. How would you deal with this if you were him? Homosexuality is not a "condition" that can be "cured." My proof: I have yet to meet even one venerable grandfather with a fine posterity (or anyone else for that matter) who says he was once homosexual but was long ago cured - and my experience as a father observing my son from birth. "

And it's true. Have you ever met someone who is either a father or a grandfather who says that they were once gay but "got over it"? Can you imagine what that must be like? Not only must the person overcome these feelings in time to go on a mission, but must also overcome them to get married to a member of the opposite gender AND have children.

Odds are clearly against someone struggling with homosexual feelings. Most of these teenagers in the church resort to finally giving in and living in the gay community, abandon the Church, and/or commit suicide. It is simply near and next to impossible for someone who struggles with homosexuality to have any hope of getting married and having children.

That's the scariest part. Not having children.

What if Satan knew that? What if it's not just that he didn't want me to get married? What if it's that he doesn't want me to have children at ALL?

And what if I know why? What if I know who my children could be?